"He guides the humble in what is right and teaches them his way. All the ways of the Lord are loving and faithful for those who keep the demands of his covenant." Psalms 25:9-10
To be righteous is to be morally upright, honest, true without impurity. Sound impossible? By many standards this state maybe unthinkable to some and unattainable by most. However, God calls us to live our lives righteously. Would God have made a demand on us that we could not attain? No. He gives us himself in order to lead us to the promised land of righteousness that he would like us to dwell in. Righteousness distinguishes us from the world around us. God calls us to this standard because we represent him in the earth. Righteousness does not come overnight, we will spend our lifetimes striving daily to live out righteousness.
He only requires one thing of us and that is humbleness. To be humble is to recognize that guidance is needed, guidance that comes from the Director of all things. When we humble our hearts to God's direction and way, he instructs us in the ways of righteousness. It is his hand that secures us on the tightrope of righteousness and makes our lives a balancing act. We can live righteously in his sight and the sight of others if we allow ourselves to be led to our knees in humble submission to him. He gave us a guarantee in Psalms 25:10 that he would lovingly and faithfully lead us into righteousness. Turn to him today and find the righteousness that only God can direct us to.
Prayer: Father, I humbly submit my ways to you. I ask you to lead and guide the direction of my life by the light of your spirit. As I grow in you, I will grow in righteousness. Thank you for your guidance, Amen.
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