Dec 13, 2010


"I tell you the truth, anyone who has faith in me will do what I have been doing. He will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father." John 14:12

In the days that Jesus walked the earth he changed lives. He healed the sick, spoke life into dead situations and inspired the lives of countless individuals where ever he went. The ones that had the honor of being his disciples witnessed many of these great works and had the unique opportunity of walking with the Savior in a personal way. He inspired them with his acts of greatness as the Son of Man and the Son of God in human flesh. Upon Jesus' departure from the earth, he gave the disciples a commission to minister his word throughout the world. They were inspired to act based on what they experienced and what they knew to be true about the God of their salvation. The Holy Spirit empowered them and the disciples went on to perform great things in the earth just like Jesus did.
What are you inspired to do? God has given us the power, platform and ability to do great things for him on a daily basis. The size of empowerment is not measured by the amount of people involved, it is only by the power of God working through you to accomplish it. The words of Jesus in John 14:12 give us a promise that we will do greater things than he did and we have the power to walk in that promise daily. This power inspired the disciples to do great things and it is the same for us today.

Prayer: Father, thank you for your powerful authority working in my life. I pray that I can complete the assignments you have given me. I am inspired by the works of Jesus to do your will for my life, use me as a vessel to make your name great in the earth. Amen

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