Nov 18, 2009

Spread Love

"Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. Dear Friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another."
1 John 4:7 & 11

For much of our lives, we devote to one thing...that is a loving relationship. Millions of songs have been written about it, people spend hours online trying to find it. Loving relationships are always in overwhelming demand. Some may not admit that is what they want, but if you talk to them for more than 10 minutes, they will bear their souls. Most of the time, our biggest struggle is a continuous quest to find the love that seemingly is always missing. My friend there is a solution to this.....
To know God is to know Love. This is one of the purest statements that summarizes God's feelings toward us. He created us in His Image for one reason, that was for us to experience His Love. We were placed on this earth to receive his Love, however there is a responsibility in that for us, we are to reciprocate. Our jobs as recipients of God's love is not to hold on to what we have received, it is to freely give our love to others. When we do this, we accomplish 2 things, we show people the Agape Love of our beautiful savior, but we also free ourselves up to have a deeper, more revitalizing love experience with God. When we begin to receive the Love of God, our hearts are open to receive and give, making it easy to love others and attract the very thing that we long for the most. Open your heart: Love God, Love Yourself, Love Others

Prayer: God thank you for loving me more than words can describe. You loved me first so that I can experience you. Show me how to give love to everything around me and in turn receive the love that I need. I praise you from the purest heart and Thank you now for the opportunity to experience Love through knowing you.

Nov 11, 2009

Got Fruit?

"And we pray this in order that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and may please him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God." Colossians 1:10

In the book of Colossians Paul wrote to the people at Colosse. They were growing in the knowledge of God and recognizing more and more who they were in Christ. The book of Colossians encourages the people to grow in the Lord and as they do the fruit of God's knowledge and wisdom would become evident in their lives. They would grow in grace as a result of God's endless mercy and experience Him in their daily lives. The fruit was the evidence of their growth. It was an outward expression of what was taking place on the inside of the Colosse people and they were benefitting greatly from their blossoming relationship with God.

Just as the followers of Christ in Colosse were bearing fruit as a sign of their growth in the Knowledge of God, our Father is expecting the same from us. Do the people around you see the Fruit of Love, Compassion, Grace, Wisdom, Peace and Joy in you? As we consider the attributes of the Fruit of the Spirit, our lives should be a display to others of all that God has given to us. We are charged with the responsibility to bear fruit in every good work meaning that it should be something beneficial of others, ourselves and a reflection of the God we serve. What does the fruit of your life say about you? Can others eat from your tree? Remember fruit is evidence of the life we are leading. Allow God to speak with you about the fruit of your life, I guarantee that it can only make you reflect his light even the more.

Prayer: God, please show me the fruit of my works. Thank you for an opportunity to bear the good fruit that only you can create. I ask you to search my heart and life allowing me to evaluate the fruit I am bearing through your eyes so that it will be beneficial to everyone you have placed in my path. Thank you Lord, Amen.

Nov 4, 2009

Peace Beyond Compare

"And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." Phillipians 4:7

"Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid." John 14:27

As some of you may know, I have been very quiet the past few weeks because of the passing of my Grandmother. My grandmother is the first death that my family has experienced in 23 years. While her death brought me much sadness, God granted something that me and my family needed more than anything and that was His peace. My grandmother lived a very peaceful and joyful life. She enjoyed her family, friends and sometimes strangers in a unique way through love and giving. However her death left me troubled. I prayed continually for many things during her sickness and even during her passing, I needed God's peace to carry me through the journey. As God gave us peace, he allowed me to learn a few things about it in the process.

There are a few characteristics about God's Peace that I would like to leave with you. It brings a spirit that calms the storms of life. The same way Jesus calmed the raving storm on the Sea of Galilee, God's peace brings unparrelled calm. God's peace also brings clarity. When storms cease, clear sight is on the horizon. When we allow God to give us Peace, we cease to worry or fret causing us to see a situation, person or problem for what it really is. Third and lastly, God's peace is unexplainable, Phillipians 4:7 says that God's peace transcends our understanding. When we experience God's peace, God allows our hearts to be consumed by peace and the thought of our problems is relieved. Even if the circumstances of a situation do not change, we have a peace that allows us to rise to victory. Don't spend time trying to contemplate the Peace of God simply ask for it and rest in it.

Prayer: Lord, thank you for your unexplainable peace. You have promised in your word that Peace is available to me today. I petition you for peace right now. I rest in the fact that it is mine today. Amen

Oct 18, 2009


"At that time his voice shook the earth, but now he has promised, "Once more I will shake not only the earth but also the heavens. The words "once more" indicate the removing of what can be shaken-that is, created things-so that what cannot be shaken may remain." Hebrews 12:25-27

Spring to Summer, Fall to Winter; seasons are so amazing to me. As the seasons change nature begins to adapt to these changes. During the Fall one of my favorite things begins to happen, the green leaves of Spring and Summer begin to change colors creating a myriad of red, orange, yellow and brown, which characterize the colors of the Fall season. The cool winds begin to blow during Fall, making way for the winter. As the trees are touched by the wind, they sway and the leaves that were once green with life began to fall to the ground. However, as we look at this change of season, trees hold one fundamental truth: even as the wind and change in weather blows the leaves from the branches, the base and roots of the tree remain intact. There is no change in them as a result of the shaking they are experiencing, the roots are planted firmly in the earth, unshakable, unmoved.

These trees are so reminiscent of our beliefs and what we hold to be true about our faith. Often there are times when the winds of life blow. We find ourselves caught in the middle of uncertainty, doubt, fear, unbelief and countless others things. As we grow in the light of God's word and begin to understand the fundamental truths that God reveals to us through His Word, we become planted and grounded in what our God says about us and to us. The foundation of this truth, which is God, creates a stable environment for us to plant our faith and hope. There are so many things in this world that come as an illusion to the truth. People hold their own sense of theology, beliefs and values based on their perception of what is right and wrong. However as believers, we don't have to lean to our own understanding, God has given us the foundation in His Word. As our lives are transformed by it, we become rooted in the unshakable, unchanging values of God. He promises in Hebrews, there will be a shaking of the earth and heaven, meaning that anything unstable is subject to fall away. As these winds of the world blow and God begins to separate the shakable (removable) from the unshakable (established), we want to remember to build our lives and thinking around the truths of God's word, which will be the only thing sure foundation we will have in the end.

Prayer: God, thank you for the opportunity to see and understand the light of your Word. I pray that you would plant my life in the unmovable foundation that is You. Grant me the opportunity to share this truth with others so that their faith can be established as well. -Amen

Oct 14, 2009

Got Power?

"O God, you are my God, earnestly I seek you; my soul thirsts for you, my body longs for you, in a dry and weary land where there is no water. I have seen you in the sanctuary and beheld your power and your glory." Psalms 63:1-2

Have you ever taken a moment to think about how much God does for us on a daily basis? He wakes us with new mercy every day, gives us strength to perform various tasks throughout the day such as working, taking children to school, running errands, and etc. Whether you realize it or not, God is the source of our energy and enables us with the ability to do all that we do day in and day out. As we go about living our lives, it is very important that we take time to connect to the source.

In Psalms ch. 63, David expresses to God just how much he needs to be connected to him. He likens it to water in a dry and weary land, this was and currently is a necessity for our lives. Water is needed to sustain our lives. For a moment lets consider a modern day necessity, our cell phones. No matter the make or model, cell phones are a necessity on most people's list. Many will search high and low for their cell phone if its lost, while others buy the latest and greatest in cell phone technology for one purpose and one purpose only: to stay connected. My cell phone taught me a very important lesson about God recently. I have a Blackberry and just like any other phone, it has to be charged from a power source in order to function properly. If it does not get power from its source, it displays a message that says "Low Battery, No Signal Recieved" therefore causing the phone to be disconnected and unable to recieve and send out any type of signal at all no phone calls, emails, text messages or voicemails will be communicated from the phone when it is in this status. It gets nothing, zero, zilch, nada, nope! Nothing at all. If the power source is this important to a cell phone, how much more do you think we need to be connected to our power source? God allows us to connect and commune with him because he is the source that energizes and sustains us. As we allow him to provide power, we function properly and recieve the right signal, which is his direct instruction for our lives. Do you have power or low batteries? Need a power boost? HE is just a prayer away.....

Prayer: Lord, I acknowledge you as the Source of all things. I pray that you will balance my life and allow me to focus on spending time in your presence. As I lean and depend on you to be the source, I realize that you are the nessessity my soul seeks. Lead me to your throne of Grace where I can experience your resourceful power. I thank you now for this and all things. -Amen

Oct 12, 2009

Live New, Live Changed

"And he changeth the times and the seasons: he removeth kings, and setteth up kings: he giveth wisdom unto the wise, and knowledge to them that know understanding. "Daniel 2:21

The day to night, the winter to spring, the young to old, the days to years....Change is all around us, all the time. Everything that is a part of who we are and who we know in this life is subject to one thing and that is change. Recently, I have began a journey to change some things in my life. They are things that I have targeted for enhancement, improvement and betterment. It is always good from time to time to evaluate the way you live your life and how it can become better if those things were to change. It is about being intentional about change and being very aware of the fact of how certain aspects are helping or hindering you. This could be as easy as changing a habit or deciding to change your thinking about something that has been a part of you for your whole life. Whatever level you would like to experience change, it is possible for you today. Why wait until tomorrow or the new year? Change for you can start right here, right now.
I once heard a quote that said, "Become the change you want to see", this means the destiny of the change that you would like to experience lies in your hand. It is up to you if you would like to live differently. Change does not have to be some big grandious occasion that has a bunch of bells, whistles and surprises. It is a process, something that takes place little by little, day by day. The true and living God is one of growth and betterment. Anything that is growing is constantly changing. His plan for us during every step of our earthly journey is to live better than the moment we previously experienced. The mindset to change is where we must start if we would like to see things differently in our lives. With God, change can begin right here and right now for you. Accept the challenge and begin to Live New and Live Changed.
Prayer: Lord, open my eyes to the things you would like me to change in my life. I know that I can experience the growth and expansion that comes from you on a daily basis if I would turn my heart to yours. Thank you for the ability to grow and experience the beauty of expansion on every level of my life. -Amen

Oct 9, 2009

Living Purpose, Finding Balance

"But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well." Matt 6:33
I believe I learned one of the most important lessons of life yesterday. It was something that I heard about, but I got an opportunity to put it into practice. The lesson was about Balance. In a world where we are constantly juggling career, family, church, chores, activities and just life in general, it is very easy to lose sight of balance and what is really most important. About 18 months ago, I was in a lot of prayer and seeking God's heart about my purpose in life, since then, he has revealed to me my purpose for living and I have began to live out that purpose. I read in Rick Warren's book "The Purpose Driven Life" that sometimes when you are living for purpose, it is not a matter of doing more, it is a matter of doing less while maximizing purpose. When I read this, it completely defied how I had been living my life, I was under the impression that the more you do, the more you matter. This mentality was causing me to run from here to there to everywhere trying to accomplish multiple things at the same time, to my disadvantage, it was not a balanced process at all.
Currently, my life's purpose is beginning to take shape and I can see God's hand in what I am accomplishing for him. Recently, I was presented with an opportunity to do something that I love to do. I was excited about the opportunity because I am so passionate about what I was asked of me. Then God spoke and said, "Is this within purpose right now?", as I was asked this, I thought about balance and what would become of purpose if I threw this thing into the equation. It was not in the realm of purpose so I declined the opportunity. Purpose causes a realignment of priorities and an adjustment of your will to God's will. Purpose brings balance because our will revolves around God. Balance breeds Purpose because it frees us to up to focus on what is really most important. He will test us to see if we will really do what he is calling us to do, which is seek his kingdom through accomplishing his purpose. The decision is not always easy, but the benefit is maximizing your life for his purpose.
Prayer: Lord, thank you for giving me a purpose for living. As I live allow me to balance my life around your will for my life. Open my eyes to see what you are doing around me, you have given me all the tools to do what you have asked of me and I pray that I will maximize those things for your glory. Amen

Oct 7, 2009

Mount Up!

"But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run and not be weary, and they shall walk and not faint." Isaiah 40:31

Eagles are one of the world's most majestic and sought after birds. The characteristics they posssess are unparellel to any other bird in the animal kingdom. Eagles fly at the highest altitude of any bird and they are the only birds that can look directly at the sun and not be blinded by the brightness of its light. Eagles are indeed very special creations. However, they like all birds have a process by which they must learn to fly. When their parent has nurtured them in the security of the nest long enough, they are pushed out of the nest to flap their unsuspecting wings and learn their first lesson in flying. The little eagle stumbles of course, unaware that they have the strength in their wings to pass their flying test. The reassurance that they have unknowingly is that their parent never take their eyes off of them while they are learning to fly. The parent's protective wings will shelter their little eaglet even when they seem to be falling from the nest.

This depiction of the eagle is lovingly similiar to how God deals kindly with his children. He teaches us the lessons of life, instructs us on which direction to go and then we are given the test with his intention that we pass with flying colors. God promises us in Isaiah 40:31 that he would give us strength if we wait on him to lovingly lead us. If we do what we are called to do for him, he will strength "our wings" to fly high and prevail over everything that we face along the journey of life. Is God calling you to "mount up" today? If so, obey him at all costs and your strength will be renewed beyond what you could ever imagine.
Prayer: Lord, thank you for giving me your strength. I stand on your promise that you would renew me to walk through the situations of life. I trust and believe that you are faithful to me and that regardless of what have called me to do, I will not grow weary in it. Thank you for being the source of all strength. -Amen

Oct 1, 2009

Boundless Praise

"Because your love is better than life, I will praise you. I will praise you as
long as I live." Psalms 73:3-4
Have you ever been at a point of indecision? There is no help in sight and
you don't know what to do? I have been at that point more times than I can
count and at that point, it seems sensible to act senseless. The feelings
of anger, disappointment, frustration and discontentment come almost by default.
But it is in those times when we have exhausted all natural resources that God calls us to do something completely out of ourselves. He calls on us to praise him. Cry out to him in these times of uncertainty. Praise has changed so many situations in my life including one that happened just this morning! I know He can undoubtedly do the same for you.
The point that he wants us to understand is that we are made to lean and rely
on him. He wants to provide for us and fill us with his joy regardless of the state
that we are in. It doesn't matter where you are on the road of life, praise will
elevate, strengthen and most importantly invite God to dwell in the midst of
whatever is going on in your life. Praise is the doorway to release a supernatural
move of God. When you decide to praise God, you are saying to God, "I entrust this
to you, I exalt you above it." Sometimes it takes an unlikely response to get a
supernatual solution. Go forth today and praise God regardless of what you face.
Remember He is Exalted on High!
Prayer: Lord Most High, I thank you for reigning over my life and the situations
of it. I exalt you above all that I am facing today because you promised to be my
supernatural redeemer. I lift my hands and praise you above all. Amen

* I'm blogging from my phone this morning,
sorry about the picture. I'll post one soon. :)

Love ya lots, Alexis Lior

Sep 29, 2009

The Way to Change

"But Jesus beheld them, and said unto them, With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible." Matt. 19:26

"Living change" is a day by day process that is possible for each and everyone of us. There are always areas in our lives that can be improved and enhanced. God desires for us to live our lives better and as we are led by his spirit we can begin to change into what he has called us to be. Change is possible, obtainable and available today if we would take God at his word and believe that all things are possible.

Do we have the power to transform our lives into what God has called them to be? What will the next 90 days of your life hold in store for you? For the next 90 Days here at Live in the Light, we will be embarking on a journey that is destined to change us. We are being intentional about "becoming the change we want to see". Change begins here and change begins now. Why wait until the beginning of the year to resolve to change? Everyday is a new beginning, another opportunity for betterment and wholeness in this life. As we reach for Christ, we reach for the wholeness that only comes from him. He is what our hearts are looking for and looking to him can bring the wholeness of all things. The 90 days of change is about experiencing growth that leads to expansion in God. It is about being intentional in those things that will enhance, better and mature my life in the direction that God is calling it to go. Lets make a choice to be consistent, intentional and productive. It maynot be an easy journey, but everyday is a choice toward something so much better and bigger than we all can ever imagine.

Prayer: Lord, Thank you for giving me the power to change. I pray that you would allow me to see the things in my life that you desire to be changed. Allow me to experience you in every area of my life so that I can become the change I want to see. I believe that through you all things are possible. -Amen

Sep 27, 2009

Under Construction

"And I am convinced and sure of this very thing, that He Who began a good work in you will continue until the day of Jesus Christ [right up to the time of His return], developing [that good work] and perfecting and bringing it to full completion in you." Philippians 1:6 (AMP)

We live our lives day to day in a constant state of growth and change. Whether we realize it or not everyday we are changing from one place or phase of life to another. Progression or regression, growth or reversion. Life is defined by movement and it is constantly going somewhere. Either this is a place you desire to go or somewhere you rather not be, as you are living, there is movement happening in your life. As we experience the phases of life, why not experience betterment? The "good work" that Paul was describing in Philippians is the growth of your life, which is continuously "under construction".

God desires for us to be structures that are used for his glory. This is why he is constantly molding, shaping and building our lives into what he wants them to be. We are always a work in progress, reaching for the perfection in life that is only given by God. As we function in him, the movement of our lives causes us to be better and ultimately fulfill the purpose that he has for us to impact the world in which we live. As you consider your life and God's plan for it, consider yourself, "under construction" and allow God to continue to perfect his greatest work of all time: You.

Prayer: Lord, allow me to see the areas of my life where you are working. Help me to understand that I am a work in progress and you are performing a great work in my life at this very moment. I desire to live out your purpose for me and declare growth and progression as a part of my journey. Thank you in advance, Amen.

Sep 21, 2009

All Things are New

"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come! All this if from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconcilation." 2 Corinth 5:17-18

Have you ever felt like there were things you wanted to change about your life? Are there things you desire to become better at in order to live more effectively? Some of you have heard 2 Corinth 5:17 a million times, but have you ever taken a moment to think about what that verse really means? It is the hope of our salvation, the very bedrock of our relationship with Christ. When we come to him, we are simply redeemed. He takes away the old, sinful nature of our lives and exchanges our death for eternal life in him. How amazing!!! We are new through the redemptive blood of the Christ and therefore, we are destined to change.
In order to live new as 2 Corinth has called us to do, we must begin to grow and change. God desires wholeness in every area of our lives and as we let go of the former and embrace the newness of change, we change into the complete men and women that God has called us to be. It doesn't matter where you are, change can start for you today. Why wait for a new year or a turning point? Today is a new day and a new opportunity to embrace the spiritual change that God called you to when you recieved his dear son. If you do not know Jesus as your Lord and Savior, take a moment to say this prayer. Be reconciled to God and he will become the wonderful creator of all things new in you.

Prayer: Dear Lord, I come before you confessing that I am a sinner. The sin in my life has caused me to be disconnected from you. I believe that Jesus died on the Cross for the sins of this world and that I can recieve eternal life through your dear son. Thank you for saving me by faith and I recieve the newness of life that only you can bring. Amen

If you prayed that prayer, Welcome to the Family of God!! You have just been linked to God through Salvation in Christ! Romans 6:22-23 states: "But now that you have been set free from sin and have become slaves to God, the benefit you reap leads to holiness, and the result is eternal life. For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord."

Sep 20, 2009

Led to Righteousness

"He guides the humble in what is right and teaches them his way. All the ways of the Lord are loving and faithful for those who keep the demands of his covenant." Psalms 25:9-10

To be righteous is to be morally upright, honest, true without impurity. Sound impossible? By many standards this state maybe unthinkable to some and unattainable by most. However, God calls us to live our lives righteously. Would God have made a demand on us that we could not attain? No. He gives us himself in order to lead us to the promised land of righteousness that he would like us to dwell in. Righteousness distinguishes us from the world around us. God calls us to this standard because we represent him in the earth. Righteousness does not come overnight, we will spend our lifetimes striving daily to live out righteousness.

He only requires one thing of us and that is humbleness. To be humble is to recognize that guidance is needed, guidance that comes from the Director of all things. When we humble our hearts to God's direction and way, he instructs us in the ways of righteousness. It is his hand that secures us on the tightrope of righteousness and makes our lives a balancing act. We can live righteously in his sight and the sight of others if we allow ourselves to be led to our knees in humble submission to him. He gave us a guarantee in Psalms 25:10 that he would lovingly and faithfully lead us into righteousness. Turn to him today and find the righteousness that only God can direct us to.

Prayer: Father, I humbly submit my ways to you. I ask you to lead and guide the direction of my life by the light of your spirit. As I grow in you, I will grow in righteousness. Thank you for your guidance, Amen.

Sep 9, 2009

Lay It Down

"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest" Matt. 11:28

Sometimes, I have a tendency to carry too many bags, to work, to church, to and from the grocery store. Somewhere in my immediate proximity, there always seems to be bag to carry. As I got on the train this morning for my commute, I realized I was carrying a bag that I really did not need. I should have left it in the car, but instinctively grabbed it by mistake. Being that I was pressed for time, I decided to carry the bag with me even though I really did not need it. How many times do we carry burdens through life unneccessarily? Is this done so often that it becomes a part of our routine?

If you have ever found yourself burdened by the pressures of life and carrying the weight of life's burdens, you are not alone and most importantly there is hope. In Matt, Jesus spoke about burdens and promised to grant us rest if we laid our burdens on him. Matt 11:29-30 says: "Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light." We have been given a great opportunity to leave the "bags" of life behind by giving them to God allowing him to eliminate the worry, stress, frustration and hurt that we can routinely carry. As we give these burdens to God, he grants us joy, peace and happiness. Who wouldn't want that kind of trade in? Take a moment and think about what you have been carrying and make a decision to give it to God today, he is waiting to take it from you.

Prayer: Lord, show me how to release the burdens of my life to you. When I am frustrated by what is going on, help me to remember that I can exchange my burdens for your peace, joy and happiness. I release to you now those things that are beyond my control trusting that you will take care of them and take care of me in the process. -Amen

Sep 5, 2009

Courage of A Leader

"I will give you every place where you set your foot, as I promised Moses. No one will be able to stand up againest you all the days of your life. As I was with Moses, I will be with you; I will never leave you nor forsake you. Be strong and very courageous." Joshua 1:3,5,7 (NIV)
In the opening book of Joshua, God is giving a charge to Joshua as the new servant leader of Israel. Moses has died and God is raising Joshua to lead to children of Israel into the land that he promised them when they departed Egypt. This would require battle in order to seize the Promise Land. It was certain that Joshua was feeling the pressure of this assignment and he needed the guidance and courage of His Heavenly Father during this time. Tens of thousands of people were depending on Joshua to lead them; Joshua was depending on God.
The promises listed in Joshua 1:1-9 were recorded for a very special reason, the same courage that was imparted to Joshua is available for us today. God desires us to be courageous as we go through life's journey, conquering its obstacles, and possessing all that he called us to. He wants us to know that he is with us every step of the way. Every place that the Israelites set their feet was conquerable if they courageously continued to walk with God. Where is God calling you to courageously go today? Wherever you are headed, if you are in his will, you are walking with a promise to conquer, accept the challenge and know that God is on your side. He is waiting to impart you with courage.
Prayer: Jehovah, give me the courage to go in the direction you have called me to go. I denounce any obstacles that stand in the way of me completing your instruction for my life. I believe that I have been called to conquer and I standly boldly on your promises. Amen.

Sep 3, 2009

Our Source of Strength

"God will strengthen you with his own great power so that you will not give up when troubles come, but you will be patient." Colossians 1:11 (NCV)

Have you ever felt like all your strength was gone? You have exerted so much energy physically, mentally or emotionally that there is nothing left. If you have ever been at that point, believe me you are not alone. We all have moments that we feel drained and there is no more strength within us. In these times of weakness, we have a very present help and a hope that is beyond this world and ourselves.

God has promised in his word that HE would be the very source of our strength. Think about this for a moment.....when we have exspended all that we are, he becomes our strength to continue on. Throughout the bible, God imparted his strength to countless people that were in situations that were beyond them. In the lives of Joshua, David, Paul and Jesus, God shows his everlasting strength by becoming their reliable pillar of strength. The words of God to Paul were, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in our weakness" (2 Cor. 12:9). If you have been relying on yourself or others for strength, trust in God for all that you need. He promised to become our source if we will rely on him. There is no one greater to handle the weakness in our lives than the one that holds the key to our victory. You are not alone in weakness; for God will supply all that you need. Be encouraged and hold on.

Prayer: Father, thank you for being my strong tower. I place my trust in you because you promised through your Word to be the source of my strength. Grant me the ability to trust you for all things and believe that you will keep your word as I diligently depend on you. Amen

Aug 28, 2009

The Art of Gratitude

"That my soul may sing Praise to You and not be silent, O Lord, my God, I will give Thanks to you Forever." Psalms 30:12 (NASB)
Gratitude, is the practice of being thankful. It can be found in every aspect of our lives. We are blessed everyday by a Divine God that gives us everything we need to make it through the balances of life. As we live, appreciating the beauty that constitutes life will cause us to enjoy the journey of it even more. Life is never a destination, it is merely the experiences that we have along the way that cause us to reflect and show gratitude to the Divine who is in control of it all. He has created our life experiences to be a testiment of his glory to others.
Take a moment today to reflect on the beauty of your life, where you are, where you have been and where you are going. The experiences that have made your journey unique, not only the good, but the tough ones are designed so that appreciation can be seen in the beauty of the good times. What are you grateful for? An attitude of gratitude is one that brings light to any situation that it faces. It delights over the silver lining in the rainclouds of life and most importantly appreciates The Divine that created them.
Prayer: Lord, show me the beauty of my life in every aspect, cause me to appreciate the experiences of it for what they were and will be. For with you, I can conquer all things. Bless me with an attitude of gratitude.

Aug 18, 2009

Walk in The Way

"Cause me to hear thy lovingkindness in the morning, for in thee do I trust; cause me to know the way wherein I should walk; for I lift up my soul unto thee." Psalms 143:8

Recently I had the experience of being unable to locate my car in a parking lot. I struggled to find my vehicle thinking, "I know that it is here somewhere." The car that transports me and the things of my life from one point to another was not in my sight. I didn't know where to start in the search. Our lives at times can be like the search for a that car. We are desperately searching for the purpose of our lives in everything around us. We are looking all around to find that thing that will take us from one place to another, holding the belief that happiness will be in our findings.
When we begin to walk with the Lord, he directs us to the very place we need to be. Our steps are guided by The Most High and we can find our way to the vehicle of destiny and so much more if we depend on him to lead. Trusting God is a devotion of our will, and just like the songwriter from the book of Psalms, our souls will be lifted as we walk. I admonition you today to Seek, Listen and Walk.

Prayer: Lord, you desire to commune with me because of your lovingkindness. Guide me in the right direction so that I may experience the destiny that you have in store for me. Amen

Aug 16, 2009

The Heart of God

Romans 5:5 "And hope maketh not ashamed because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Spirit which is given to us."
Have you ever wondered what God's heart looks like? What He actually holds in his heart? To look into the Heart of God is to open His word and discover what it is saying to each and every one of us. As we explore his word, we find that his heart is similar to our heart in that he feels love, pain and the life experiences of his children (that is us of course). In God's infinite wisdom and power, he allows his Heart to be revealed to us, what a great expression of Love this is!!
We are given the opportunity to embrace him through his word and through a loving relationship with his son Jesus Christ. As our relationship with Christ grows, it gives way to the Holy Spirit, which is God's loving heart expression to us. We can feel the Holy Spirit, be led by the Holy Spirit and most importantly commune with God through the Holy Spirit. As we do this, we experience the very heart of God.
Prayer: Thank you Lord for an opportunity to know the treasures of your heart. As I walk with you be the center of my heartbeat and allow me to experience the love that only you can give. Amen